Once you have validated your API Key the fields for selecting your language, default language, Bible translation and media types should appear.
First select your Language by clicking the magnifying glass and starting to type the language name in the search box that pops up.
A core strength of The Bible Plugin is localization so you can select only one language if that is most appropriate or if you are working with multiple languages you can choose more than one.
Next select your Default Language from within the languages you selected. You will be able to use Biblical text from all the languages you selected above but the Default language will be used if you don’t specify one. Even if you choose only one language in the step above you must still make it your Default Language.
Next, click the magnifying glass under Bible versions and you will get a pop-up to choose which Bible version or versions you want to use on your site.
The pop-up will only show Bible versions that correspond to the language or languages you have chosen.
Finally, select the Media Types you wish to provide on your site. You can choose between Audio, Dramatized Audio, Text, and Video. But not all Media Types are available for all languages or Bible versions. To double check what is available for your version you can check from the Digital Bible Platform here.