Registered and logged in users can submit a support ticket and we will do our best to resolve your issue as soon as possible. Or if you have a feature request or question please share those in the Community section.
If you haven’t registered your installation yet, first do that by going to the Register page.
Once registered and logged in, click on the Support link at the top of the page or Support Ticket button on the home page of this site.
In the Support ticket form, provide your email, subject and as much description as possible, including screenshots of errors or what you are having difficulty with if possible.
Please also include the URL where The Bible Plugin is installed, the WordPress version of your site and the WordPress theme you are using.
Set the priority of your support request.
Complete the reCAPTCHA challenge and click the button to Submit Ticket.
If you have a question or feature request, click the Community link in the menu bar at the top of the page or the Connect button on the home page of this site. Enter your question or feature request in the appropriate forum.