Register your installation

Your next step is to register your installation of The Bible Plugin.  You can do this before you receive your API key back.  Registration is not required to use The Bible Plugin but it greatly helps us to understand how the plugin is being used and also gives you access to our Community and Support areas.  Your information will not be shared or sold.

  • Click the Register button at the top of this site.
  • Complete the form with your:
    First Name
    Last Name
    URL where TBP is installed
    Country of ministry focus
    Language of ministry focus (if you have more than one, give the primary language)
  • Create a Username and Password and confirm the Password.  Be sure to save your Username and Password in your Password keeper.
  • Strong passwords should include a mix of random characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and should not contain common dictionary words. Additionally, increasing the length of the password enhances its security strength.
    -At least 8 characters—the more characters, the better
    -A mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters
    -A mixture of letters and numbers
    -Inclusion of at least one special character, e.g., ! @ # ? ]
    -Note: do not use < or > in your password, as both can cause problems in Web browsers
  • Click the button to Register your TBP installation and you’re finished.

You will now have access to the Community and Support areas when logged into this site.